Salary Proposal Template

A salary proposal template helps an employee get his/her desirable amount of salary by letting employers acknowledge his/her negotiable compensation amount. Generally, the companies have a flexible salary range for few posts on the basis of the kind of responsibilities they are obliged to manage. It is the right of everybody doing a job to expect a raise in the salary after working for a reasonable amount of time for a company. To inform your employers, you need to write a formal letter known as a salary proposal letter template. Some employees compose this letter to their employer at the start of their job, when the terms and conditions of the employment suit their criteria, but they need a more decent amount of salary.

Details of Salary Proposal Template

A salary proposal letter template begins with the name, address and contact details of the employee writing the letter. Date, name of the employer and the company name will be written next to that. The salary proposal letter then starts with a few humble sentences addressing the employer, stating how grateful you are to them for the job. If you are an old employee, let the employer know that how long it has been since you are serving their company and that now you expect a raise. Also mention the last date of your salary raise, if there is any, and the bundle of responsibilities and duties you have been taking care of. This will make your employer realize the fact that it has been long since you have been given a raise. This perfect format is an example of our quality work and for your ease, we are providing a download button underneath the template.

salary proposal template

File Size: 193 kb
No. of Pages: 3


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