How to Prepare a Salary Slip using MS Word Software?

A salary slip is a unique document usually issued by employer to their employees as an evidence of providing salary and other benefits which are mention on the slip. It contains complete details about salary with other crucial components such as basic pay, compensations, bonuses, deductions and allowances. This slip is usually issued for a specified period of one month time. It also contains travel or conveyance allowance, over time charges and details of your earnings for any particular time period. In large scale companies and organizations, it is a difficult task to prepare salary slips of numerous employees. So, we are providing you the simplest and easy way of preparing a salary slip through using MS word software.


Easy and simplest way of preparing salary slip through MS Word :

First, open MS Word either from your desktop or through programs and choose a new file option after clicking in the top left corner icon. MS Word software will provide you a new page blank layout. A new file once opened, will ready for working. Usually, it consists of three very basic segments i.e., header (Top Upper Area), body (Main Area) and footer (Bottom Area).


  • Header Segment :

After open a new file, your first step is to write information in header area. You can mention company name, date and slip no in header area because it consists of tiny area having general information.

  • Body Segment – Main Area :

Main contents are written in body area because it contains sufficient space for creating all essential aspects of a salary slip. Within body area, you can mention brief information which is required to recognize a salary slip. You can also provide other crucial details such as date and time of payment, employer name, employment status as well as banking details within the area of body segment. You can mention name of employee and his/her designation along with address and contact information.

How To Insert A Table :


In body segment of a page you can put a table through clicking on insert option at the right corner and can easily select desired table having number of columns and rows according to your requirement. You can easily mention all necessary components about salary of an employee in different blocks which are available in table. It is essential to highlight first row of table because in this row you will provide headings of different components related to the salary such as pay rate, allowance, compensation, overtime pay rate, total overtime hours, gross pay, income tax, other deductions (if any) and net pay. You can make it more professional by bold heading characters. It is essential to make heading differ from other characters because you can easily find out relevant box according to your need. After creating heading, your next focus should be on creating all calculation in their preferable segment.

Preparing a salary slip without developing table :


You can also prepare a salary slip without preparing a table and easily mention all details in professional style. If you are using a letterhead then prepare a body segment and place it on a letterhead for conveniently and quickly preparing salary slip. If an employee applied for a loan and employer want to provide an answer or remarks related to the request. They can also mention additional details without any hesitation at available space after creating all necessary details in a salary slip.

Benefits Of Additional Table For Deductions :


If you wish to make a salary slip easily readable or understandable then make a separate table for creating details about all deductions so the reader can easily determine all deductions without any hesitation. You can mention details about absentee deduction, income tax and other components which are essential for getting awareness about income amount or deduction amount. It helps in conveying all information conveniently and our priority is to provide you another way of saving your beloved time through using a template while preparing a salary slip with your own efforts and hardworking.

  • Footer Segment :

In this segment, you can mention address and contact information of a company or organization. In this area you can also describe those things which are left behind in body segment or header segment. You can make it differ from both segments through coloring or attaching other effects. Many employers mention their email address and other relevant information in this segment for the completion of preparing a salary slip. If you are using a letterhead then footer information is already mentioned and your salary slip is ready after filling body area. After preparing a salary slip you can easily get a print through clicking on icon in the top left corner and chose print option.

How it is cost effective and time saving for employers :

Employers have no spare time for wastage, so they always find ways which are beneficial for them in saving their most precious time. So, we will describe you about the benefits of preparing a salary slip through MS Word without any wastage of time. It is a hard task for newcomers but they can easily assume their effectiveness by preparing a salary slip once through MS Word. They can make it more delightful by adding a logo of their company and can easily mention hours along with their pay rate which can help them in calculating.

Benefits Of Our Instructions :

After reading our instructions you are able to prepare a salary slip without taking help from professionals. As your business grows up, you will face many difficulties in the way of running the setup smoothly. Providing salary to the employees and preparing their salary slip is also a hard task but you can make it simple and easy after getting instructions for developing a professional salary slip which can be provided to your employees along with their salary.

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