A payroll is the sum of the wages of all the employees working for an organization. A payroll deduction form, just like the name elaborates, is a form or a contract between the employee and the employer, stating that the employee agrees upon a fixed deduction of an amount from his/her salary. A payroll deduction form likewise mentions the gross salary, bonuses any kind of deductions or other such compensations being given to an employee. This gives an idea of an individual’s net salary and the percentage of deduction needed to be implemented on it. Generally, it is issued in case an employee has taken a sum of an amount in advance using advance salary request letter from the employer or as a loan which is later to be paid back. Instead of paying back cash, the employee signs a payroll deduction form that implies a fixed amount of money will be deducted from his/her salary till loan stands.
Content of Payroll Deduction Form
A payroll deduction form generally incorporates important elements such as, an employee’s name and his/her designation at the company. It also includes, the date from which the deductions from the salary are supposed to be made, the date up till the deductions are needed to be made and the reason or the type of deductions. A personal statement by the employer is also added to it to let the employee clearly understand their terms and conditions for the deduction. In case, the employee resigns from the job within the time of the payroll deduction form’s validity, the remaining amount of loan will settle as per the conditions mentioned in this form. In the end, it must be signed by both the employee and the employer since it works as a contract between the two.
Image of Payroll Deduction Form